"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

reactionary beauty

thunder after lightning,
pain after a pinch,
control after a flick of a switch,
fear after movement,
joy after solidarity.

these things are results, outcomes, products of attainable ideas. reactions. we're told that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. giving us a view that that some actions are good, and some are bad. why must this be so? every breath, every sound, every movement, every sight, every touch is a gift. something given to us, why have we been given this power to discern what is good and bad? actions we can grasp, wrap our minds around, fully understand. but the reactions we cannot decipher. unfathomable. this is what we've been told, taught.

perception is a powerful tool. to perceive, is to grasp. a perception is not seeing brokenness in beauty, but seeing beauty in the broken. in my head, actions are what's the true mystery. my reaction to actions should be easy to understand, but why i'm reacting..that's a whole other story. the work behind obtaining a reaction is limitless. endless actions are created for the sole purpose of one reaction. the most common reaction being fear. the root of fear is sacrifice. trying a new activity, there's hesitation. why do we hesitate? we are afraid. to overcome a hesitation we have to ultimately sacrifice. sacrifice our feelings, our thoughts, what we think is the "right" thing for us. this is an ongoing process for countless reactions 'good' or 'bad'. so i guess at the root beginning of joy, was fear. if the only thing to fear, is fear itself..why fear?

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still (Ex. 14:14)

direction in life is hard to discern.
its like driving down a one way road,
a fork in the middle with nowhere to go.
when all our lefts, don't go right.
i'm opened to a beautiful sight

it's like floating down an open stream
where nothings goin, and no one's seen.
where the current takes away our hopes and dreams
to an un-found course that's soon to be seen.

and now we're flyin higher than the clouds
hangin from the holes in the sky, screaming out loud
who am i, and why am i bound?!
they'll say 'listen up, just turnaround'

so what you've done, or what will come
the good I am, or the devil below
what has happened, or what you'll do
the water you walk on will save you.

if every action is a beautiful gift, why can't our reaction be a part of another beautiful gift?