"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


high on the mountain there's a place
where i can go
there's a peace, sweet release
from the hurried life below
holy ground all around
bow your head down low
raise your hands understand
who is there with you now.

hours past there at last
in the quietness of thought
no condemnation for the things
that i am or am not
before the throne, all alone
not afraid, nothing to hide
on the cross with my christ
i know im cruicified.

down the mountain i return
to the place from which i came
nothing is different yet somehow
i know i've made a change
see the hurt feel the need
the the lonely people share
spread the word, have you heard
there is truly one who cares.

i wish i could take this as my own, but it surely is not. i found it in a lonely guitar case, and it oddly resembles my experiences of the past 3 months. this past summer i had the opportunity of walking down a path of truth. really finding out what life, my life, is all about; and being able to share that with truly awesome people.

authenticity is something i've always striven for, and to finally reach that point of true honest emotions has been a whirlwind of new revelation. it's something so hard and odd to obtain, with heartbreak and healing along the way. 'a peace, sweet release' is definitely something that reigns true through and through. to be able to have such a trust in the lord is something i had no grasp on. with friendships and relationships alike, dropping the ball and picking it up along the way. my sense of trust was to always go a certain amount of steps and hold back my pace, leaving room for a little worry. but what i've learned is that to trust is to keep walking, 'for though strong winds are blowing, and tree limbs are rocking; confidence is there, you just gotta keep walking.' to keep walking at a pace of holding nothing back. being real. being open. i always thought that with that would come worry. what would happen next? is this what im supposed to do? but in reality those questions don't come up. a true peace, shalom if you will, blesses you in true reality. in true reality, there's no point in drawing the blinds.

so as i have been living in a bubble these past months, my hope is that i wouldn't let falsehoods pop my bubble. in contrast i would hope to figure out a way to incorporate these new truths to life, in hopes of the world conforming to them instead of vice verse. would that be called selfish? or is it the way it's always supposed to have been? im not too sure, but i like where its taken me.