"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A picture

They say a picture holds a thousand words. Which may be so. But what are these words? Are they truths? Can they be hopes? What if they're fantasies? Does that slowly turn them into lies? What if we believe these words? Why is that our thoughts, however pure they may be, however true we perceive them to be, happen to turn into a lie. That we conceive? There is nothing more simplistic than a picture. Nothing more pure. Nothing more honest. Nothing more true. Nothing more holy. A picture is true. A picture is exactly what it is meant to be. It's captured everything it needs, and needs only what it has captured. So in the grand scheme of what our idea of grand and scheme is..where does our thousand words come into play? Better yet, why do we think that they have a shot in the game at all? What if a picture wasn't worth anything but a picture? Can we grasp that? Are we even supposed to? If it were up to me. A picture would be worth no words at all. How beautiful would it be to have no insecure thoughts, no what ifs, no I should have done this'. How beautiful it would be, to just take in what is beautifully pictured. Because in that picture contained a moment. That at the time, contained all moments. Where everything was right, secure, honest, true, and holy. So don't waste your time in adding your thousand pitiful words, rather, take it for what it is. What it's actually worth. A picture. 

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