"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3 randoms and a rant

3 prompts:
-the word 'ark'
-isaiah 45:6-7 'that you may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.'
-the phrase 'the stately ships go onto their haven under the hill'

i was given these three things by a certain someone in exchange that i somehow wrap my mind around all three and give my take on them, right here in this blog. how did these prompts come about? lets just say that there was a dictionary, a verse (that im guessing is a favorite? or one that is be wrestled with?), and an excerpt from a stanza on page 92 of a book that is still nameless to me.

i think you can take any piece of literature and make it personal. find some meaning within it. you always, always will find what your searching for in any form of literature. most likely will be taken out of context, which by then i think the true meaning is lost. granted you find something, but overall changing the meaning of what's trying to be portrayed actually loses meaning. and in some form or fashion is kind of pathetic, i mean if you truly think about it, the reason why you form ideas about something is to normally make yourself feel good. but i feel like that's just taking the easy way out. instead of you changing meaning, let the meaning change you.

upon first glance of these things, i figured i would just talk about each one separately. but that's no fun. there has to be a connection. there's gotta be a deeper meaning behind these randomized thoughts. and maybe im making there be a deeper meaning, thus contradicting myself from what was said in the previous lines..but hey, im not God. mistakes do happen. hypocrisy? no, maybe just gaining new perspectives, working out the ol' brain.

the word 'ark'. first thoughts? noah's ark. God basically hated everything that earth had become so he destroys it, but calls upon noah to build an ark and gather 2 of every animal. time out. the movie evan almighty. he has 30 days or something, and everyone makes fun of him every day. imagine 120 years of people teasing him. that would suck.

random side note/thought. i wonder how tempted Jesus was to getting off the cross. i wonder how many times he almost just stopped everything. sure it was "supposed" to happen and stuff, but he was still a man, he had humanly thoughts. that'd be tough.

at this point of the blog, i have realized that i cannot make a single connection with all three of this things. so addie, im sorry haha. but i find the verse to be very cool. the whole passage is God speaking, and talking about a soon to be king, Cyrus, and how he will basically be His instrument. Cyrus is very Messiah-ish, and God even sort of hints at that, at least to me God makes Cyrus sound Jesusy. "I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways; he shall build My city and let My exiles go free, not for price nor reward." very Jesus like to me. but even with all these things stated in all of chapter 45 that God will do, Cyrus will receive most of the praise. Which kind of sounds like my life to other non-believers, we all do some pretty cool things throughout our own individualistic lives, and, at least for me, forget to glorify God. but in these two verses, He makes it very clear that He is the only one, He makes every thing possible "I, the LORD, do all these things." He does everything.

as for the phrase 'the stately ships go onto their haven under the hill'. i have no idea what that even means. i have literally been trying to make sense of it for hours now. a ship going under a hill? how is that possible? its not. so it must be some sort of metaphor. but what the heck hides under a hill, it says their haven..to be honest, all i'm thinking about right now is scientology. and how aliens came flying out of volcanoes from distant planets in the galaxy, and yet no one has ever seen these aliens. they probably hide under the hills. it would be the perfect spot to hide, who would ever actually look at a hill and decide to start digging. no one. cause climbing a hill is kinda like kissing your sister. that made no sense. but there you go.

i'll leave you kind followers with this..God did not use evolution when creating the earth. Gen 1:5 "God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day." some may say "kevin, it's not defined on how long each day was" and i would say "yes it is." He called the light day, and the dark night. time hasn't changed. there has always been 24 hrs in a day. there has been a night portion and a day portion. i don't see God making light last for 4 million years, then saying welp it should be time for some darkness, then let that be happening for another 4 million years, then once everything has evolved in 65 million years he makes the 24 hour day. i feel like if i were to lay claim to that belief then i would ultimately be challenging God and his ability to do things. which probably isn't the right thing to do. and another thing, everyone can agree that we can't comprehend God and how he works. but we somehow have put all our belief into one thing, and that just has to be how he created earth. if you could understand how God works, i feel like living would be absolutely pointless. maybe all of this is mumbo jumbo and i have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about, but if you fall under this belief, well then im gonna assume that you also have no idea what your talking about haha. if you wanna chat about this topic, then just ask, cause i would love to.

i dedicate that last paragraph to noah.

1 comment:

  1. My take on the stately ships go under their haven hill makes me think of hiding, not necessarily from being scared, but kind of like a child running to the feet of his parents. Maybe this has some Correlation to us finding safety in God, but then again I'm not exactly sure on the context of this and I probably just took it out of proportion, but I don't want to sound like I know what this means. Just my first thoughts. Very cool to think about though kev.
