"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

yearning for truth

"if there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside the universe-no more than the architect of a house could actually be a wall, or staircase, or fireplace in that house." - C.S. Lewis

the idea of being lost. the realization of being insignificant. where do they come from? why does something so detrimental find its way creeping into the gap that's yearning to be filled with life. yearning. it doesn't want, it yearns. the lie has to be pretty dense to get around this feeling. it has to be so captivating, that its somehow convincing. i guess this cultivates a battleground. for there to be a battleground means that there's a war. for there to be a war means there's something worth fighting for. in the midst of being lost, feeling insignificant, there's a lie trying to trump truth..proving that something out there is fighting..for us.

my drink is gone
the cup has gone to waste
please is there someone
to pull me out of this place?

i'm believing a lie
thats binding me down
it's worth singing for something
but i can't make a sound

total abomination
caught living in condemnation
looking for the face
to pull me out of this place

cause one more push
and i'm going underneath
but with that pull
i'm coming up to breathe

you came down
with intent to make me clean
and you're the only one
who can intervene

with this last stand
i find myself on my knees
for i am convinced
nothing will separate you from me.



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