"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brand New Eyes

me and casey made a cajon, a box drum. we basically made it in about 2 hours. it made me think about the earlier half of my day, or even week. when was the last time 2 hours of doing anything made me feel like i had accomplished something. let me tell you, school was not at the top of the list.

since the adjective revelation, as i like to call it, i feel like i have been pretty good at not saying the words like awesome, great, powerful, and others that are out there I'm sure, unless I'm talkin about God himself. holding out on good words only for topics about a good being...it feels like so much more is being said.

I'm reading a book, crazy love, and the first sentence of the book says "what if i told you to stop praying?" dang. the first chapter is all about stepping aside and truly recognizing God's beauty. not just pestering him with everyday mumbo jumbo. not saying all prayers are mumbo jumbo but i think you get the ones I'm talkin about. all the ones that you say to either have a clear conscience or just to say and not even full heartily believe that God can go through with it. which is weird. why do we, me included, ask God for things that we feel are too big for him to answer. why do we feel that way? i know I've asked a lot of those prayers. i guess when you add up all the thoughts and emotions going into those types of prayers, the outcome is almost the opposite of those exact thoughts and emotions. Fear. so again, why do we ask for God to answer prayers that we are down right afraid of? for Him to prove something to us? for us to prove Him to somebody else? (why should he have to prove anything to us?) or maybe just by telling Him something we are just hiding our insecurity in Him. instead, shouldn't we want Him to wash away our insecurity. i mean if we are just using God as a tool to hide insecurities, i feel we have missed the mark. if something's hidden, it's not necessarily gone is it? but if something's washed...hmm, that was an interesting tangent we just went on. but back to the whole "what if i told you to stop praying?" thing. i like that. it kind of correlates with saving good adjectives for only God. stepping aside from worldly visions, worldly thoughts, worldly prayers, and truly see the majestic beauty behind what God is. and i think that when you do just that, lay aside everything and just have God remain, you'll have brand new eyes.


  1. I feel like you need some need to breathe "Washed by the Water" at the end of your last paragraph.

    Great insights. I've read this baby four times now.

  2. and that's a boat load of clamps! holy snack!

  3. haha dang i think your right caso.
