"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fabricated Faith

Matthew 17:20 says, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. "

faith has captured my interest in these past long, somewhat forgetful, days. if we as Christians value each and everyday, give everything we have to Jesus, do everything in His honor..why is it that when we look back on our week and we can't seem to remember what happened? that's interesting. now back to faith. if you don't know how big a mustard seed is, then look at your pinky finger. focus in on the nail portion. now cut your nail in half. now do it again. that's about how big a mustard seed is. who can honestly say that with their faith, they have moved a mountain from here to there? is this just another parable that Jesus was saying? i don't think so. i guess that brings up the other question of, is everything in the bible literal. as in, are we supposed to take everything to heart, leave no vagueness. did Jonah and the whale actually happen? did a little puny kid take down an 8ft beast of a man? or were all these stories, just stories. i think if you believe that any story in the bible is just a story, then you have taken a huge side step. the bible is God's word. these things are true. so why can't we move mountains? i feel like even i have faith the size of a little tiny, wimpy, puny, mini mustard seed. i feel like most Christians have at least that amount of faith. why can't i move a mountain?? maybe we take God's ability too lightly. who has prayed for a cold, a couple day sickness that really isn't a big deal, to go away? who has prayed for a hospital inducing illness to go away? are the two really all that different? both are disabling your body in some untimely fashion. why not ask God to take it away? i don't think the reason why we aren't moving mountains is because of that, although it could play a part. still caught up on this faith thing. i found myself driving down a 50mph road and wondering what it would take for a person in the opposite lane, 2 feet away going the same speed if not faster, to turn the wheel a little to the left and kill me. we put a lot of trust and faith in other drivers. even after that, i entered a house and sat on a couch, having faith it would catch me into it's soft goodness. then after that i took a bite into some chocolate goodness, having faith that it indeed was chocolate and not poop or something. so there's obviously a faith in things of this world. is that the same faith that we should have for non-worldy things? as in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. have we fabricated a faith so heavenly, and pure, to something that we can relate to. to make having faith a little bit easier?

i'm no bible scholar, and i'm definitely not anywhere close to being a theologian. so there's no real truth behind any of that. but i'd figure i'd just let you know what i think about on a day to day basis. you have to admit, it's kind of interesting to ponder about.


  1. i like what you have to say! very insightful!

  2. What if we prayed about moving mountains...? I think that God will answer our prayers especially if they further the Kingdom. Wait.. does he answer them even if they don't glorify Him? What if this mountain stood in the way of Moses and His people that he was rescuing from Egypt. If Moses would have prayed to move this mountain I think God would move it.. I don't know just more to ponder on haha

  3. love this kev. you got this girl thinkin-- miss ya

  4. mal!!! yes! you found me

    brad, that's a totally different point. makes sense and all..but look at the contents of the verse. its about us having doubt in Gods abilities.

  5. I read this verse but in Luke the other day
