"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Undeniably You

a soft breeze rolls down my spine
You shiver me to tell me i'll be just fine
it ignites my soul as i look up and stare
at the stars You've created to show me You care

as i begin to spit
oh lord You begin to pour down on me
i find it funny how i search for my own two feet to hit the floor
with my eyes closed tight
You let me see so much

You roll in on clouds
i'll sing a sweet melody of how
You have saved me from insecurity
You roll in on clouds
i'll sing a sweet melody of how
my search has brought me nothing but humility

oh lord, how unworthy am i?

as the breeze comes back through
i know it could only be You

for about the past 3 months, every night, i have gone outside to have some chattin time with God. i love to sing this song before i go out. the first line 'a soft breeze rolls down my spine, you shiver me to tell me i'll be just fine' every night there is always some sort of breeze. most nights its just a howling wind. but nevertheless it always makes me shiver. it makes me cold. it changes how i act. it affects how i dress myself. it fully consumes my body. i love to picture God as a wind. wind changes everything in its path. again, it makes me shiver. my body responds to what is consuming it. i love to picture God as wind. the next line 'it ignites my soul as i look up and stare at the stars You've created to show my You care' lets be honest here for a moment. when you're outside, whats the first thing you do? more often than not, you check to see if the stars decided to shine. whats more unfathomable than stars? than space? than other planets? God created all these things before he created us. i feel as if He thought they just weren't enough, so He created us. "for we are good" He said. things that blow our minds, that make us think on what we like to call a "deeper" level, to try and use that extra 90 percent of our brain, to maybe even close our eyes just so we can focus better, things that we may not even have words for, and if we do, those words still aren't good enough. all those things weren't good enough for Him..so He created us. for we are good. the next line 'as i begin to spit, oh lord You begin to pour down on me' could this be self explanatory? how many times have i talked back? how many times has He left? how many times have i came back? (why do we leave in the first place if all we're gonna do is come back?) who just likes to go play in the mud, then not take a shower? the next line 'i find it funny how i search for my own two feet to hit the floor' "hmm, it's ok God, i got this one" "you can only take me too far, i mean, this is a pretty big judgment call" i look back at times in my life where i have said these things, and i can't help but laugh at where it got me. (just thinking off the top of my head) it got me drunk almost every night for 2 months, trying to pick up girls, or trying to fit in and be the commemorated cool guy. why are we searching? i feel it best for Him to search for me..a lot less work if you ask me. the next line 'my eyes closed tight, You let me see so much' the term, "walk by faith" comes to mind. and ain't that the truth? the next line 'You roll in on clouds, i'll sing a sweet melody of how, You saved me from insecurity..You roll in on clouds, i'll sing a sweet melody of how, my search has brought me nothing but humility' i find myself looking at clouds a lot. and reading about how God comes down on clouds. they seem like the perfect mode of transportation..i guess. but lets talk about all this insecurity i'm being saved of. self image? the way i dress, maybe to impress someone. you gotta brush the teeth, i mean what girl likes the color yellow. and you have to put on deodorant cause nobody, male or female, likes a stinky fellow. if we want to get on the verge of out of control thinking, most of us even get braces just so that we look better. not saying these are bad things, in my opinion they're all good. but don't they all contribute to a self image insecurity (on some extreme level)? i have almost mastered the art of not caring what i look like, and in front of whom ever it is that is doing the looking. knowing that God made me and my personality, and knowing that God says i'm "good" is ok with me. and from that i find myself humbled. the next line 'oh lord, how unworthy am i?' again, with all this being said, a sense of unworthiness should be self explanatory. the next line 'as the breeze comes back through, i know it could only be you'

extreme mountain tops are always followed by extreme valleys. what's beyond the valley's? i guess that's for only God to know, and you to happily find out. but a shepard never leaves his sheep behind in a valley, for they're too stupid, and will surely die on they're own. [psalm 23]

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