"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Drawing the Blinds

a light can and will always be seen. there's a light in my backyard that shines brighter than any other light around it. it's taller than any other light around. this light is a good 60 yards away from where i stand, and yet it still is able to consume my body and leave an imprint of me on the ground. a shadow. you can look at a shadow and see emptiness, which is mostly true. but i like to see a shadow as the direct output of what the light is feeding. so i guess a shadow is more than just an empty picture of what you could be. a shadow is what you are. a shadow is a reflection of your body. since we've established that a light will always be seen, i guess that means that a light will always aid in the casting of your reflection. another worthy observation is that the intensity of the light goes hand in hand with the size of your shadow. so when Jesus said "I am the light of the world" i tend to look behind me to see the size of my shadow. and as much as i would say that i'm a devout christian, i do all the good works, i say all the right things, no matter how much i believe that statement, there seems to always be room for me to draw the blinds. its definitely not easy to hide a shadow, or even outrun a shadow, it's always with you. so when Jesus is shining down on us, how much of the blinds do we truly open to let him light us up? how big is my shadow, really? here's an interesting thought..if we all were taking this brilliant light in, when i say all, i mean every one on the planet, would our shadows drown out the light? of course not, stupid question. which brings me to my next point. i love my friends. i enjoy being able to be completely real with someone. and here's another interesting point. how is it possible for one to feel closer to someone 100's of miles away, but for someone across the street, not so much. i've thought of this, and of course im talking about my workcrew and summerstaff friends, and on one hand i can say that i've shared experiences and intense God times with them. but then i can look at the friend down the street and say the exact same thing. relationships is something i will one day fully understand, but for now, i must continue to wrestle. another thing i find interesting about light, is that people will do whatever it takes to get to light. why? light creates security. your all alone in a house, you turn on some lights. your in a sticky life situation, you pray. and now your back..a light can and will always be seen.

why have you forgotten me
depression it comes from the enemy
it only makes me wanna run

but out on the distance
i can see your light
standing so tall and so bright

felt shivers like a summer wind
the very first seconds i breathed You in
and now i'm climbing the fences

cross over the pastures
the mountain tops and seas
for nothing will get in the way of you to me

a love so deep
i can't imagine a life without it
it tugs at all my strings
and now i'm back

1 comment:

  1. Dude Kev. My favorite post of yours to date. I'm blessed to have a friend like you who is an example to me. Your spiritual walk is one that inspires me. I wish I had a painless way to pick a hole in your head so I could dive into your brain.
