"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Friday, March 5, 2010

spontaneity at its finest

last night was a pretty sweet night. at around 8ish i went to jared gregs and watched some planet earth, followed by the birth of jim and pam's child, then took a trip to winco and smelled some delicious coffey beans. had some delicious crescents by a fire in a backyard. some sweet conversations took place, one thing led to another and we were climbing badger at 2am with intent to dine with the stars. found a relatively flat spot up at the top and pulled the sleeping bags out and stared at the stars for a while. as soon as we were situated, for some reason all of us couldn't help but start to laugh. something so small and so spontaneous brought so much joy and happiness. it felt good to just laugh. i couldn't help but to think about the constellations. what the heck. a group of stars that are always together, in the shape of some object or person or something. the big dipper for instance. what the heck was God thinking when he made that? after many minutes pondering this i had came to a conclusion that made me feel good about being a human, having life, not just sitting around in the sky. but i like to picture God, at the beginning of creation, making some constellations and seeing what it would be like. He even gave them a spoon, a big one and a little one at that, so they could eat, or get water, or do whatever it is that a constellation would do. but at some point in all of this constellation commotion God thought that it just wasn't enough. so he made me. i guess you could say the same thing about anything on this earth, mountains, oceans, valleys, canyons, clouds, forests..all these things that we look at and are just flat out amazed. i guess God was too at one point, but then he made something better..me. yeah.

awakening from this slumber felt pretty good, rising as the sun rose from the horizon. jared found a spider crawling on my sleeping bag and i freaked out. i was trying to shake it off so hard that i shook my socks off of my feet haha. casey got a good vid of the spider so maybe you'll get a chance to see the beast that almost took our lives.

just filled my belly up with ihop. felt good. talked to a summerstaff friend. the one and only miss addie. but she was in shadyville, georgia..thats a real place i guess. so she had to leave. the service was pretty shady. and now im sitting in bed trying to fancy whoever reads this with profound and mystic words accompanied by joyous sentence structure. i hope i could please.

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