"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Outrunning a Shadow

well this past weekend i got the wonderful opportunity to go to breakaway lodge, a young life camp on the oregon coast. so many great things and little realizations have crossed over my mind just through 2 days of being at a place where people are all living for the same reason, searching for a higher meaning and really just trying to grasp what life could be all about. it gave me some time to just look back at really the last week and a half of my life and how God has seriously put a goose egg in my life that i can't really get around..something that telling white lies to myself and to God to make both of us feel good, just isn't good enough anymore. i found myself in cabin time telling my guys things that were true and honest about Jesus and his love; and few days earlier telling some kamaikin guys at their campaigners things on relationships and lust. and on the last cabin time we were outside and i said something that shocked not only my guys but it shook me up as well.."there are time in your walk as a christian when all you become is exactly that..a christian. a label that people put on you, and really being a christian nowadays just isn't a good label. we tend to quit following Jesus and become a label. labels have all the right answers, they have meaning behind what they're selling..but when do we cross the point of saying all the right answers and actually believing all the right answers?" i love the fact that you could be in a situation where there just isn't anything left to be said and all the sudden your mouth opens and a light can shine through. now at that point i judged all those guys on the spot, but little did i know that that wasn't just for them. all in all it was a great weekend

as for tonight, i came home after yl club to a brother who isn't a believer and he started asking me questions about God and Jesus, and Heaven and Hell. it was one of two times i've had a decent conversation with him. i learned a lot of things about how he views life, and i just pray that something i said tonight about Jesus, just keeps him thinking. hopefully makes him want to prove me wrong just so he can go research about it..at least he'll be reading about Jesus. Funny how he plants seeds like that.

i have grown to have a strange obsession with light..ask me about it sometime, its a strange topic.
"shivers like a summer wind
the first seconds i breathed you in,
it makes me wanna climb the fences.
cross over the pastures
the mountain tops and seas,
for nothing can interfere with you getting to me."

1 comment:

  1. kevin i didn't know you had a blog! this is awesome, last weekend was so amazing
