"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

what am i afraid of?

the day started by me waking up at 2pm to jared calling me and telling me to go play volleyball. so i put on my short billed hat, sweet new tank, and was out the door. oh ya, pants were involved as well.

after wards went to chris whitneys for some frontier bible time. i love hangin out with those guys, they're fun. talked about the tower of babel. i couldn't help but think about the tower that im building, and why i'm building it. its strange to actually sit down and think about what that one thing is that God just detests so much that he breaks it all down. its actually really scary. this thought has been a reoccurring theme. that, and psalm 23:2 "he makes me lie down in a green pasture" what the heck is going on in my life that God is just saying "go lie down", almost like a timeout or something haha. i honestly can't think of a single thing for either of these themes, and yet i feel a strong push from God that i need to figure stuff out...if only i knew what that stuff was.

words. amazing. awesome. beautiful. majestic. mighty. king. great. love. first glance at these words, even my first thought..isn't God. there's something very wrong with that. sure i hear these things, plus many more, but can't help to think of worldly connotations. the divine are mere after thoughts. "this pizza is awesome" compared to Deut 10:17 "For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome,"

how have we managed to change an adjective of god to an adjective of pizza.
conviction of the day

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this made me do some intense thinking. Start a REVolution!
