"One more push and I'm going underneath..but with your pull I'm coming up to breathe"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Carpe the Diem

the past two days have just been incredibly fun, packed with adventure. friday, i journeyed to ellensburg for institute. basically a discipleship thing we do once a month with yl leaders from the region, its pretty fun. when we were walking up to the front door, i could see a trampoline that was set up in the middle of their family room. it was crazy, don't see that too often. but we had a good discussion on Psalm 23. there's a book that a shepard wrote, literally a shepard, that is all about that psalm. it had some pretty cool insight. one thing that hit me was verse two
"He makes me lie down in green pastures"
it really got me thinking about what it is i do in my everyday walk that would cause him to make me lie down and rest. is it that im just going too fast or that im just coasting through my days? it's an interesting thought to just keep rollin around in my head.

that night, it being traditional, all the guys slept outside. it was awesome. the stars were just everywhere, way more than here in the tri. and again the constellation thing came back, why the heck did God make them. Rich told me that it was just so i could sit and think about it. but i feel like there's more to it than that. just another thing to ask God about when i get to Heaven.

but at around 430 in the morning i woke up and there was nobody outside. now my first thought, and probably the most logical of the two was that someone came and stole them. not like an abduction, but a stealing. it really freaked me out. but then i got smarter and realized they probably all just went in side. at that moment of realization i stretched my legs out in my sleeping bag and could feel the straight bitter coldness at the end. i couldn't feel my feet. so i figured i should follow them, and ended up sleeping in front of a space heater on the floor.

last night, saturday, was pretty cool. i told some people that i would tell my testimony to them and it went down at the park. telling my testimony is always a funny thing to me. i know i have a crazy testimony, and a lot of stuff has happened to me, and God has done a lot of stuff as well with me. but i was at point where it felt like i was glorifying all of the crazy bad stuff in my story a lot more than the crazy God stuff in my story. see once people figured out that i had a crazy story, i just started telling it to everyone, and it eventually, to me, just became a story. so for the past couple of months i've really just tried not to share to much about my life with people just so that i could re-establish the glory in it to God. so last night was very good, tellin it for the first time in a long while to some people i really care about, and can see God workin in them all the time.

the night concluded with just me, casey, and kirby sitting in kirby's living room talking about girl stuff. kirby and casey instantly got so tired and i video taped our conversation on my phone. it was seriously the funniest thing i have ever heard. listening to casey try and remember things and kirby just falling asleep in the middle of any convo. it was priceless. i then, at 430am. took casey home. on the 3 minute ride, he fell asleep. so i took full advantage of the opportunity. i started screaming and swerving. funniest reaction i have ever seen. although i think he was really upset. in all my laughter he got out of the car saying "why would you do that? that really wasn't a cool thing to do." so casey im sorry. but it had to happen haha

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha, no worries whatsoever. I would have done the same for sure. Great night indeed.
